National Recorded-Grade Experimental Association

The National Recorded Grade-Experimental Association is now in the process of being formed. We are looking for input by others as to what they would like to see the association do. There are many good things that an association like this could do like sponsoring the Rgs at the national show, sponsoring speciality show to showcase these great animals. DHIA leader awards, and breeder awards are also being discussed. We are also looking for what you would like to see in this newsletter. Things already in the newsletter will be: Association News, Show wins {you can call, e-mail, or drop me a line to get them published}, Happy Tailz {jokes, and humor again feel free to submit your funniest stuff}, Recipes {feel free to submit your favorite}, Forum {members thoughts}, ADGA News, and information on goats in general.

Newsletter Now Online

For the time being the newsletter will be posted to this webpage. As editor I would like the maximum amount of people to be able to see it, and know that we are out here. We would like to see the association grow into a force of people who like and/or keep Rgs, so when the naysayers of the dairy goat world try to say there isn't any support for Rgs we can point to ourselves and say "Here we are."

Discussion List

There is also a discussion list you can join by going to and subscribing to Recorded_Grades, or following the link provided below. I welcome all to come and share in the list.

Go join our e-mail list